Q. What is peerwith.me?
A. Think of it as an easy-to-remember peering URL shortener.
Q. How does it work?
A. peerwith.me/asn, for example peerwith.me/63126.
Q. How much does it cost?
A. Free the first year and 100% discount for each subsequent year.
Q. Do you need an account to use this service?
A. Only if you want to set a user-defined URL for your ASN.
Q. What is the redirection decision process?
A. peerwith.me redirects in this order:
-> user-defined URL (if set) -> Peering Manager (if exists) -> PeeringDB
Q. What happens if an ASN does not have a user-defined URL, a Peering Manager account or a PeeringDB account?
A. peerwith.me will be unable to redirect you to anything useful.
Q. What sort of security does this service use?
A. We use SSL encryption for user-entered form data and store passwords using one-way hashing with random salts.
Q. Who do I contact if I have a technical issue or I've lost my password?
A. Please use the form located here.